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eva mayの例文


  • Her daughter was the actress Eva May.
  • His first teacher was Eva May Reid, who he later owed much of his success to.
  • He was the third husband of the actress Eva May, who was the daughter of his fellow director Joe May.
  • She was born Eva May Butler on Oct . 5, 1894, at the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon in Salt Lake County.
  • Widder said the investigation also could clarify recurrent speculation that former Argentine President Juan Peron and his popular second wife Eva may have been involved in the transfer of Nazi gold to Argentina.
  • That's not necessarily a bad idea, said Eva May, a partner at Espanol Marketing and Communications, a Cary, N . C ., advertising agency that targets Latinos.
  • When Hans Sachs argues that Eva ought to have a say in the matter, Pogner agrees that Eva may refuse the winner of the contest, but she must still marry a mastersinger.
  • Born Eva May Butler on Oct . 5, 1894, she met Victor E . Israelsen while attending Utah Agricultural College, now Utah State University, in the 1920s and later married him.
  • Once the group vanquishes Aruhameru, they learn that the demon outbreak is linked to Gate, Ryu's boyhood town where the trouble all started, and that the Church of St . Eva may not be all that it seems.
  • Their teenage daughter Eva May ( born 1902 in Vienna ) tried to build her own career as an actress but committed suicide in 1924 after the end of her third marriage with the film directors Manfred Liebenau, Lothar Mendes and Manfred Noa.
  • Searches for the lode veins on both creeks succeeded by the 1870s and eventually led to significant lode mining at the Eva May, Uncle Sam, Grey Eagle, Hattie Ferguson, and Comet mines in the Cataract Creek district and the Bullion, Hope, and Katy mines in the Basin Creek district.